Wednesday, June 30, 2010
cassette 1 side A questions

Ch.3 Cassette 1: side A
1. Who was on the tape?
2. What were the tapes for and why?
3. Who is someone that has affected you growing up, positive or negative? and why?
4. What happened to Hannah?
5. What excuse does Clay use for everything?
6. What is Hannah’s tone in her tape?
7. How did Hannah die?
8. What were the rules of the tape?
9. How would you react if you received the tapes?
10. What sensations does Clay feel before pushing the play button?
11. Would you hear the tapes? And why?
12. How did he know Hannah?
13. What does he think about the tapes?
14. What did he receive in his locker?
15. Where did Clay put the map?
16. What importance does Justin Foley have in Hannah’s life?
17. According to Hannah what is one of the worst feelings?
18. Describe what was being said on the tape.
19. Why do you think people are passing around the tapes?
20. Would you continue down the list?
21. Why did Hannah and Kat call Justin?
22. Why did Clay decide not to throw the tapes away?
23. Would you keep reading the tapes? And why?
24. What were Clay’s thoughts about Hannah?
25. Who was Hannah obsessed with?
26. Who did Hannah go to for advice on boys?
27. Do you have someone that you trust and could tell anything to? And how do you feel about that?
28. Describe Hannah in the beginning how was she like?
29. What lie did Justin tell Hannah’s mom?
30. Why do you think Justin lied to the mom?
31. What was Hannah pissed off about? Pg.23
32. What name has someone called you before that upset you? And why?
33. Where was Hannah’s first kiss?
34. Do you remember your first kiss?
35. What meaning did the rocket ship have to Hannah?
36. What was the rumor?
37. Tell me about a rumor that was told about you or a friend that was not true.
38. Who is Tony?
39. So far what is Clay’s role?
40. What impression did Clay leave on Toni’s mother?
41. What did Clay take from Toni’s car?
Photoshop or chapter outline
Photoshop include
- TITLE- create one that fits the chapter
- 2 QUOTES- significant to what is going on
- at least a mix of 3 images that is important to the chapter
- title
- setting
- characters:
- problem:
- beginning, Middle, end
- 3 events that happen for each beginning, middle, and end
- event
- event
- conclusion
- prediction
- image
chapter 2 questions
Ch.2 yesterday – One Hour after school
- 1. Who is the narrator?
- What was in the box?
- Tell me a time were you received something unexpectedly.
chapter 1 questions

1. How does the story start?
2. Describe the package
3. What is the Narrator doing?
4. How are the feelings expressed?
5. What is the tone so far?
6. What do you think was on the tapes?
7. List all characters so far
8. what is the setting.
9. What is the problem in the story
10. Make a prediction of what you think this book will entail.
Photoshop or chapter outline
Photoshop include
- TITLE- create one that fits the chapter
- 2 QUOTES- significant to what is going on
- at least a mix of 3 images that is important to the chapter
- title
- setting
- characters:
- problem:
- beginning, Middle, end
- 3 events that happen for each beginning, middle, and end
- event
- event
- conclusion
- prediction
- image